


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Human-Grade Dog Food ❣

Daily Meals by  My Ollie

 more info below↓

My furbabies eat beef recipe because I already tried all the flavors myOllie offers and their body responded better to this one. So I've been giving them this food since fall 2018. 
I feel bad that I didn't made the switch to human-grade food since the 1st day we got them as puppies at 8 weeks old. They started eating Organic Humanely-raised food and treats until they were 4yo. I feel ashamed of being so ignorant to their food nutrition facts for their first 4 yrs of life. 
Even though they were always eating good food I didn't do my due diligence of finding out more about the brands I was purchasing from. Most important HOW THEY SOURCE their MEAT and all INGREDIENTS used to make the food. 
Plus since I DO care about animals humane treatment and I love my healthy lifestyle as a vegetarian. Then, Obviously I care about what my furbabies are eating too. I notice the difference right away, allergies had decreased and NO MORE tear stains for white dogs like Maltese, who are prone to this problem. 

What to identified :
Natural | Organic |  Humanely-raised | Human-grade | Made in USA | USDA |
| No By-Products , No Filler , No Preservatives , No artificial stuff , No FAKE/CHEAP meat or ingredients |


The only two beneficial healthy real food for all dogs are Human-grade or raw diets. Raw diet is excellent if you have the time and discipline to prep everyday' meals.

There's also healthy choices of freeze or dried food and treats at  
SmallBatchDog, this is an honest family-owned company to buy from.

There's few other ethical honest brands of real human-grade dog food available online and most have a discount as first time customer.  

If you care for your furchild' health make sure to always check the food you are giving them carefully. Labels, logos, brands, the pet food industry policies and guidelines are lying to the consumer because they only care about profits not the health of our precious family members. Be aware and knowledgeable about what you are paying for and putting on their bowl, they rely on you with your human brain to be smart enough, don't let them play you too.  

Watch this very educational documentary about the pet food' industry


Check out this informative article about the Pet food industry' secrets at TOPDOGTIPS
