👽My Alien Theory: Aliens of different levels of civilization exist in all possible universes n dimensions. The being who is at the highest possible level of civilization type is what is known on this planet as a representation of God. On this planet, we use a vocabulary that might not be the same as the one used by other species or civilization types. We have no certain evidence of how the universe was created or who created it, maybe it was created for a purpose n everything is so far apart n keeps getting away faster n further for a reason we don't know yet. Aliens are watching us bcuz they modified our genes when we were monkeys so they continue monitoring their experiments on this planet. As we know by facts some monkeys evolved due to that upgrade, some did not. Now we will continue evolving 'til we finally move up the levels of civilization types. Currently, we are a civilization type .75 if we don’t continue improving, evolving the species n upgrading our tech n science, then we won’t be able to reach type 1 or 2 n so on. Humans are considered primitive with a very aggressive social behavior still now in this 21st century. We still fight over race, color, religious beliefs, opinions; just about anything we can think of, anything can become a conflict. Most humans don't even learn or practice logic n common sense in their lives. Humans cannot even agree on a common goal for the benefit of their own species. Humans are still cruel to each other n to other species, most humans don't even care about the planet. Instead of putting all their energy, effort, intelligence n power into improving humanity, the planet n other species. We need to archive interstellar travel so that later at least at a civilization type 2 level we will be able to socialize with other alien species n explore other planets, galaxies, universes, dimensions. I wish I could experience that but I know it won't be possible in this lifestyle. Maybe after death if u’re a good beneficial person for the species u can move up to the next level of living in a different universe or dimension, maybe u’re reborn on a different planet. Maybe if u’re not a good person then u come back to this same planet to try again or to another worse place than here. In each civilization type, there must be a group that governs the lower levels. We are just an experiment to see how fast we can go or how far we can get. I’m sure there are aliens n other universes n dimensions we cannot see for a reason. Nothing is random in this universe. Alien species who had reached higher levels of civilization types have the power over us for now but they cannot interfere with us bcuz we have to evolve on our own terms. I wonder if this is just another trial/simulation to see if we fail or succeed. Since there is proof of other lost cities underwater or underground, no one really knows how they ended, why was it destroyed, why that civilization ceased to exist. I wonder if we will see the ppl we want to see once we go to the next level after this lifetime. I wonder if my dogs will be able to be at that level too. I have so many questions to higher intelligent species/aliens bcuz I know we are beings of energy who transcends, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another. So many unknowns. Everything happens for a reason the way it's supposed to no matter what bcuz that's the only way to learn n improve on our own n ultimately as a collective civilization, as a species.